Calls to the mobile number 015211210617 are illegal and fake. If you see the number on the display, you should not accept the call but block it immediately. Find out what’s behind it here.
The phone rings, you see the number 015211210617, and then you hear a recorded message. That alone is strange enough and indicates that the number is being spoofed by call ID spoofing. The displayed number is generated by a dial-up computer used by a call center to make spam calls.
What is known about the number 015211210617?
You can call the cell phone number, but all you get is a strange-sounding, English-language announcement that the subscriber is unavailable.
You will be greeted by a taped message when you are called and picked up. They want you to believe you are paying too much for your health insurance.
You will be asked to press “1” on the phone if you want to save money.
This technology allows computers to make many calls and immediately filter out who is worth talking to in person because they believe the tape message.
Whoever presses the button is connected to a telemarketer who presents himself as his health insurance company or a cost consultant.
The computers can make many calls in a short space of time, causing the potential victims to ring repeatedly throughout the day.
The call aims to get you to take out a new health insurance policy and collect a high commission.
You can block callers in the Telekom landline network by starting the “Telephony Center” in the browser and entering the number in the blacklist after logging in.
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